Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh! The humanity!

Oh, the humanity, all different sizes short tall wide thin massed in the ebb and flow of commerce. The mature and grizzled wash through the waves sullen faced and discontented. All the while the babes skip along the edges like a perfectly rounded stone sliding across the water. We note the age of each by the creases in the corner of their eyes or how far below their hips their jeans fall. So, there I stand, a cross between discontented and a babe, watching my own babe skip across the top of the water. All of which is a code for; I just spent an afternoon with my daughter at the mall.

It was quite interesting moving along the edges like a teen-ager. I was so glad to be able to spend just a few moments with my daughter at the mall. I fear at times that those moments will soon be gone. I will truly enjoy them while they are here.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I didn't realize you were a writer, and very observant, too! I like. Congrats.
