Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why a walk through the fog?

A good walk is but a slow methodical journey. Often times that journey is but a short traverse from one side of the house to the other. However, there exist along the periphery of our own mortal existence a fog. I view life as a journey through, along and sometimes beyond this fog, for it is not the arrival that I seek so much as the journey itself. Fog represents to many an inability to witness that which lies beyond. I see it as shroud that protects me from that very same beyond allowing me to travel my so chosen path without guilt or regret. That being said real fog is unsubstantial with the ability to divert only light through reflection. Light is that mysterious unseen thing that makes all the world visible. Thus, I choose as my armor that which is not. Exposing my journey for all to witness. If, they can but see through the fog. Won't you join me on a walk through the fog?

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